The Evolution Revolution on: Making Your Dreams Become A Reality

en 3:01 PM.

Many instructors of 'self-improvement' attract the public by advertising workshops that concentrate on Making Your Dreams Become A Reality. These "award-winning authors and worldwide acclaimed consultants and seminar leaders" say they can help you:

Take-home Tools for private Happiness
Choose (and obtain) What You Would Like

Very easily achieve focus, happiness and success

Be considered a Psychic per day

Set proper effort into attain the existence that you will, want

As well as: Earn money with self-improvement workshops!

I am here to talk about another message:

We no more have enough time for self-indulgence.

We can't enjoy your own desires while one inch every six people lives in poverty and hunger. As opposed to a personal dream or even the American Dream--that has converted into a nightmare--we have to concentrate on a collective dream: An aspiration of Transformation.The transformative transformation which will take us in the paradigm of energy, manipulation and avarice, towards the knowledge of our Oneness and also the actions that derive from that.

How's this possible? By separating yourself in the limited, false idea of self according to identification with body/mind/personality, and getting into the broadened Understanding of a person's True Reality.

We have been designed to think that satisfaction (and success) originates from the color and style in our hair, the garments we put on, the telephone we use, the vehicle we drive, where we dine, what we should drink, the task we all do, and particularly: how much cash we've staying with you.

I am here to inform you otherwise: You aren't hair, your clothes, your phone, your vehicle, etc. You aren't your work-it is simply a job you play. You aren't the mind, however educated or ignorant. You aren't your personality, however dull or scintillating.

What exactly are you? A manifestation of That's. A symbol of Awareness. Just one cell in your body of Humanity. An embodiment of affection.

You shouldn't be afraid. You won't lose yourself. Pleasure doesn't cease. On the other hand, a pleasure that can't be referred to arises, and fills you internally.

Have a journey beside me:

Be still.

Observe your breath.

Imagine you have no hair. (Close your vision as it were)

Remove all of your jewellery go without your watch remove your makeup shed your clothes. (Close your vision and picture this)

Ignore your work, your loved ones, your house, your wealth or lack.

Eliminate all memory of history.

Reach a desert: no flora, no fauna, blue sky, comfortable temperature. (Close your vision)

Withdraw your attention out of your body.

Ideas cease.

Eyes begin to see the huge expanse without judgment.

Only Awareness is. (Close your vision)

Case the initial step. It's possible to bear in mind with open eyes, too.

The Evolution Revolution on: Making Your Dreams Become A Reality
"The Evolution Revolution on: Making Your Dreams Become A Reality" Publicado por , Friday, January 20, 2012, en 3:01 PM, Etiquetas , permalink 4.1.

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